Physical Record Document Management


Physical Record Management Services

USP Soft Solutions provides secure document storage and physical records management services. We understand the critical nature as well as the importance of physical records for a business. We are dedicated to helping companies to improve their security as well as achieve regulatory compliance. This way, you as a business can save on long-term document management costs with our detailed, comprehensive solutions.


In-house (Onsite) Records Storage:

All the companies have legal, compliance, audit and organizational requirements to store their records in physical form. They prefer to store these at their premises, and these are referred to as In-House records storage.USP Soft Solutions removes the daily hassle of managing documents with end-to-end physical records management solutions. We have experience in securely storing all your vital records. This will allow businesses to save physical space, organize physical and electronic records, protect their assets for the entire document lifecycle, and control the flow of information. We can grant accessible records to the right employees and the stakeholders. We also maintain full regulatory compliance no matter your industry. Physical records storage consumes resources, and our focus is on optimized use of present storage space. Every business is different, and our customized solution ranges from infrastructure management to take over the onsite operations of record filing and archival. Safe and secure storage of records is our motto, and we strive for it.


Why Opt for Onsite records storage?

There are lots of cost-saving benefits for storing physical records onsite. Due to professional document management, you save on time and risks are reduced. This leads to minimization as well as transparency of costs. Since the records are at the site itself, there is enhanced security, and one gets 24 by 7 access to records. Moreover, we have been certified for ISO 9001. We have unparalleled expertise in providing and setting up shelves and rack systems, IT infrastructure, and topology. Additionally, the staff can search your records via our online platform and order individual files or documents. Utilize our services to benefit from our experience in onsite records storage and become free from all the hassles. You will not have to pay additional rent for the storage space. Just pay the operational charges for onsite record storage. This will minimize your costs whilst automatically creating more transparency. In this manner, you will benefit from our standardized processes and our uniform infrastructure from the very first day.
