A Message from USP CEO

Dear Clients, Partners, and Associates

Welcome to our website! If this is your first visit, we’re happy you’re here. And if this is a return visit, we’re even happier. Look around, you will see new images with new look and content. We are excited to tell you about our Software Solutions and Services. You will also find new technologies and applications. Please explore all the changes we have made. Changes: Lately, I have been thinking about the subject of change. It seems to be the very nature of this business. Changes in software and information technology – how to create it, use it, and manage it – come at every organization with such lightning speed. At USP we have gone through our share of changes: adapting to changing markets, and to evolving client needs. I want to thank our clients, and our dedicated consultants, for the opportunity to do so. There are certain things we will not change, however. I’d like to share these with you, too. As an IT services company -- one that provides unexpected added value to our clients. We will continue this practice throughout our operations in the India, Africa, USA and Middle East Countries We are a company that cares deeply about our connection to the world around us. Our employees have a passion for causes and organizations dear to their hearts, and we are committed to their having the time and energy to give back to the communities where we do business. And, we are a company that strives to stay one step ahead: of business trends, market conditions, and competition. Staying one step ahead is good for our clients, our consultants, and our community. We look forward to what that brings in the months and years to come, and we hope you’ll be a part of it.

Udayakumar Murugan