
Preserve Your Past & Current Record for future


Are you getting scared by the rising stacks of physical records and files in your office? Want to reclaim the premium office space and reduce document storage costs without compromising on security? Want to improve customer service and response times with complete and instantly accessible records? Need to survive compliance audits and better protect data by enforcing your policies and business rules? In today's business world, opting with paper document storage is a more severe problem than old-fashioned. When your business keeps all records, files and other documentation onsite, they are at risk by putting one of their most significant business assets in a single place. Having multiple copies of documents being stored in different sites magnifies the problem. That's why, to protect best, use and store your business document and communications, you have to think away from the traditional model of file cabinets and storage bins. It would help if you had a digital storage solution.




Paper Documents

We offer document scanning services that can scan documents of any type or size. We have successfully conducted small and large document scanning jobs in offsite and onsite facilities in a timely and efficient manner. We have done scanning services for various domains like NGOs, Government bodies, MNCs & Corporate houses

Various Formats

Get your large and odd size document scanned by us. We have the experience as well as the capacity of scanning all size documents starting from A12 to A0 Size. We can scan plans, blueprints, maps & drawings

Micro Films

Our microfilm scanners have the capacity of capturing good quality images from films. Mostly, manufacturing companies engineering drawings are stored in Microfilms. The microfilm contains tiny images that include documents, complex engineering drawings, newspapers, books, manuals and other information. Many businesses and organizations chose to copy information on microfilm to save space in their offices and storage facilities.


Book digitization refers to a conversion of physical books into digital formats. Such conversions are done with automated or manual image scanners, which thoroughly go through the content of the book and record it in a functional, online tool. We have specialized in digitizing all types of books, including textbooks, manuals, historical texts, ledgers, notebooks.

Photos and Albums

Our state-of-the-art overhead scanners can scan Photos, Albums and negatives and store them in digital format. We can index the images so that you have to flip through the rims of the paper to find an image. High-quality images from the item and will store in digital media for easy retrievals.

Technical Manuals

Providing single sign-on access to content on your portal based on role is simple,so you can ensure everyone can find wConverting technical manuals, binders, documents, and folders in electronically accessible formats is quite a problem if not done in a proper indexed manner. We have an experience pf more than a decade in converting technical manual and storing in the digital form.hat they need and only what they are authorized to see.

Onsite Scanning

We understand data privacy and data security, and that's why we provide onsite scanning facilities. We will set up our Digitization team at your premises with systems and high-end scanners to scan your confidential documents, ensuring that your documents do not leave your office premises.

Cloud Hosting

We offer document hosting services on our cloud so that you can retrieve your documents any time anywhere. The images can be seen only by you, and you will be given a login id and password. Cloud hosting saves you money, and you don't lose sleep over data security. Our system will help in hosting all the scanned images and will be made available for easy retrieval


How to Better Protect and Manage Business Documents.

USP offers you a better solution in digital storage form instead of housing physical copies of every business document.USP provide companies with the highest quality of imaging and coded data in the industry, creating a scalable, searchable way to store information. It's easy to find specific records through a quick search, protect data from theft or damage, minimize risks and minimize physical storage space. Are you interested in transforming the way you store documents? Ready to go digital and reap the benefits? Let us help. Reach us now.
